Maps & Data


Mt. Herodier – North Qikiqtaaluk

Interactive Map

Online Interactive Map – (Currently under construction)  2023-04-22

The online interactive map is for reference only. Please consider the date it has been updated, and consult with NTI Lands and Resources if you have any issues with the data.


NTI does not sell or provide copies of topographic maps. Topographic maps may be obtained from the Geological Survey of Canada(GSC). A listing of GSC contacts and offices can be found on the GSC website.

GIS Datasets

Sub-surface Inuit Owned Lands Parcels and Exploration Agreements (April 2024) – MB)

Unless noted all data is in the ESRI Shapefile format with a datum of NAD83 and a Geographic Projection (Decimal Degrees Coordinate System). All data has been compressed using WinZip to reduce file size.

The Department of Lands and Resources promotes and protects Inuit interests in the lands and resources of Nunavut, so as to promote economic self-sufficiency in accordance to Inuit social and cultural needs and aspirations.