Boston Camp Kitimeot Region
The Department of Lands and Resources promotes and protects Inuit interests in the lands and resources of Nunavut. The Department manages Inuit Owned Lands (IOL) on behalf and for the benefit of all Inuit, so as to promote economic self-sufficiency in accordance to Inuit social and cultural needs and aspirations.
The Department carries out the following functions:
- Provide support and advice to the RIAs, other DIOs, and other NTI departments and executive members on matters related to land administration, land use planning and land management, environmental protection, water and marine management, minerals, oil and gas management, and geographic information systems and database technologies;
- Directly administer and manage Subsurface Inuit Owned Lands;
- In partnership with the RIAs and through the Lands Policy Advisory Committee, develop policies and procedures for the management and administration of all Inuit Owned Lands;
- Work with the Institutions of Public Government, Federal and Territorial Governments, DIOs and other organizations in the development and amendment of acts, legislation, regulation, guidelines, plans, policies and procedures relating to lands and resources in Nunavut;
- Participate in the Nunavut Impact Review Board screening and review of project proposals in Nunavut and Nunavut Water Board licensing process;
- Monitor and ensure collection of the Inuit share of royalties on both Inuit Owned Lands and Crown land;
- Work with Government concerning natural resource development on Crown land;
- Implement NLCA responsibilities retained by NTI directly related to lands and resources, Inuit Owned Lands, minerals, oil and gas;
- Coordinate the efforts of the Lands Policy Advisory Committee.
Departmental Principles:
- Minimize The Negative Impacts Of Land Use And Natural Resource Development;
- Maximize The Benefits Of Land Use And Natural Resource Development To Inuit;
- Attract Investment In Nunavut;
- Resolve Land Use Conflicts;
- Improve Consultation And Clarify Decision-Making;
- Maintain Inuit Ownership And Management Rights To The Lands And Resources.